Our Purpose
Our purpose is to disciple soldiers of Christ who are skilled in spiritual warfare and soul-winning for the love of Christ and the kingdom of heaven. We are here to raise praying people who are desperate for the undiluted word of God. We are here to deliver the oppressed and set the captives free to the glory of God and to raise people who are passionate about praising God every day of their lives.
The Church We See
The Church that we see is a Church of influence. A Church so large in size that the city and nation cannot ignore it. A Church growing so quickly that the building struggles to contain the increase. We see a Church whose heartfelt praise and worship touches Heaven and changes earth: with worship that influences the praises of people throughout the earth, exalting Christ with powerful songs of faith and hope. We see a Church whose altars are constantly filled with repentant sinners responding to Christ’s call to salvation. Yes, the Church that we see is so dependent on the Holy Spirit that nothing will stop it nor stand against it; a Church whose people are unified, prayerful, and, full of God’s Spirit.
The Church that we see has a message so clear that lives are changed forever and potentials are fulfilled through the power of His Word; a message beamed to the people of the earth through their television screens. We see a Church so compassionate that people are drawn from impossible situations into a loving and friendly circle of hope, where answers are found and hospitality is given. We see a people so Kingdom-minded that they will count whatever the cost and pay whatever the price to see revival sweep this land. The Church that we see is a Church so committed to raising, training, and empowering many generations of leaders to reap the end-time harvest for the Kingdom of God.
The Church that we see is global, a global family: One house with many rooms, outworking a unified vision. We see a church apostolic in calling, and visionary; committed to boldly impacting millions for Christ in significant cities and nations throughout the earth with the greatest of all causes – the Cause of our Lord Jesus Christ. We see a constantly innovative Church: A Church that leads the communication of a timeless message through media, film, and technology. A Church with a message beamed to people around the globe through their television screens, bringing JESUS into homes, palaces, and prisons alike.
We see a Church that is big enough to dream on a global scale, yet personal enough for everyone to find their place. We see a Church that beckons ‘WELCOME HOME’ to every man, woman, and child that walks through its doors. The Church that we see is a worshiping church whose songs reflect such a passion for Christ that all witnesses sense His magnificence and power. A distinct sound that emanates from a healthy Church, contagious in spirit – creating music that resounds from villages and tribes to great cities and nations.
We see a Church with a world-class college that raises, equips, and empowers generations of young, anointed leaders from across the globe. Graduates who serve God in all walks of life are released to salt the earth with dynamic ministries and churches throughout the continents of the world. We see a church graced with layers of ‘once-in-a-generation’ type leaders – who are naturally gifted, spiritually potent, and genuinely humble. Leaders who will pay the price and count the cost of impacting cities and nations with great, God-glorifying churches.
We see a Church whose leadership is unified in its commitment to the authenticity, credibility, and quality of its vision. Leaders who dare to be themselves, yet live secure in the knowledge that “what they are part of is bigger than the part they play.” We see a Church committed to an innovative NETWORK that connects hundreds of thousands of pastors and leaders and equips them to flourish. A network committed to the apostolic anointing of leaders who are desperate to see the Church of Jesus Christ rise up to live the un-lived life within her/his glorious Church.
The Church we see is a church that champions the cause of local churches everywhere; encouraging them to be all that God has called them to be. A Church that refuses to be content with the triumphs of the past, but is constantly looking towards the future – filled with a vision that inspires and influences many. Positioned in the heart of culture, in great diverse urban centers, we envision buildings that struggle to contain the increase of all that God is doing; occupying land and places that are miraculous in the provision and impossible to ignore.
We see like-spirited churches in cities of influence that exemplify faithfulness manifested in bricks and mortar. Churches with the supernatural provision of buildings and properties stand as beacons of light that bring glory to God and hope to humanity. We see a Church that loves God, loves people and loves life. Youthful in spirit; generous at heart; faith-filled in confession; loving in nature and inclusive in expression. Yes, the Church that we see is committed to bringing the love and hope of Christ to impossible situations through the preaching of the gospel and a mandate that drives us to do all we can to bring help and solution to a needy world.
A Church whose head is Jesus, help is the Holy Spirit and focus is the Great Commission.

THE CITADEL INTERNATIONAL CHURCH | *9253 48 Street NW. | admin@hogministry.ca | /8/-468-11195 | 2009. Copyright. All Rights Reserved.